Arnold Schönberg: Spielkarte Herz-Dame, 1909 | Arnold Schönberg Center, Wien
Listening to Love with Schönberg
Exhibition opening
Arnold Schönberg Center
Tuesday, 28 May 2024
6.30 pm
Arnold Schönberg: Spielkarte Herz-Dame, 1909 | Arnold Schönberg Center, Wien

Listening to Love with Schönberg

Ulrike Anton Director, Arnold Schönberg Center
Welcome address

Therese Muxeneder Curator
About the exhibition

Norbert Kettner Managing Director, Vienna Tourist Board

Ted Black tenor
Sascha El Mouissi piano
Arnold SCHÖNBERG Die Beiden (1899); from 15 Gedichte aus »Das Buch der hängenden Gärten« von Stefan George op. 15

Free admission | Online reservation

The event will be streamed live on facebook and YouTube and will be available for seven days afterwards.

No feeling is more closely associated with music than love. No composer is more often associated with rational and anti-emotional music than Arnold Schönberg. For the first time, the Arnold Schönberg Center will utilize a curatorial approach for Schönberg’s scores, which are permeated with an abundance of emotions, explore contexts, and open up points of reference for a language of novel sounds about love in musical Modernism around 1900. Love songs, symphonic poems, and programmatic ensemble pieces are juxtaposed with private messages, literary and pictorial testimonies regarding the loss of love and the fulfillment of longed-for affection.